Monday, February 1, 2010

Hello from the TRM Youth Program!

We had an exciting week last week, and this next week will only continue to bring more bustle and excitement! We have had a lot going on!

Last week, we took a group of younger kids to Pump It Up, a huge building filled with inflatable bounce houses--it is the perfect place for kids to run around, use all of that pent-up energy, and get some exercise all while have a lot of fun! We also got to make crafts. We painted pots, and the kids did a beautiful job. They were such artists, and they were so focused too--especially after getting so tired out with bouncing around for an hour and a half.

Last week we also had our monthly Teen Late Night, and we did another (upon much request) Fear Factor theme, except this time we really stepped it up a notch. With the help of some great volunteers, we were able to do teammwork challenges, physical challenges, and food challenges. The kids really stepped up to the plate! They ate raw eggs, unknown mixtures of things, and they all really worked together and had good attitudes. It was a blast! Unfortunately, those few who attempted the gallon challenge (drinking a gallon of milk in an hour) found themselves visiting the bathroom probably more often than they had wanted.

Now, this Friday, we have another really exciting event that is much more open to the public, so we hope you are able to come! It is a Silent Auction being held at Trinity Church by the Tacoma Mall, and it is at 5:30 pm. Tickets cost $20, and it includes entrance, dinner, and the night's musical entertainment (singing and acoustic guitar). All of the proceeds from this event will go directly to our teen's mission trip down to Mexico, the purpose of which is to glorify God by building a house for a homeless family in the area of Tijuana. We hope you can come! If you want more information, you can call Krista Dunham at 435-757-1673.

There are always exciting things happening around the Youth Department here...we hope you can be a part of them!

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