Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bootstraps & Bullet dodging

Have you ever thought about why you are where you are in life?
Did you really pull yourself up by your bootstraps?
Do you really believe that you earned everything you have?
You might immediately in your mind agree with me, but does your lifestyle and actions follow suit with your mind?
Whether you feel good about where you're at in life or not, you did not get there by yourself, there were many people actively involved.

If you're anything like me, I'm guessing someone influential in your life helped you to dodge some serious bullets.
If you're anything like me, I'm guessing there was someone or a combination of someones who poured into you.
If you're anything like me, these influential people or mentors are one of the main reasons I do the work I do.
If you're anything like me it was a coach, a teacher, a grandma, a pastor, or a mentor.

Think back on where your life would be without a single stable mentor, teacher, coach, aunt/uncle, or grandparent...We at the Tacoma Rescue Mission work with many kids without these, and if you feel led to be an influence in a kid's life by being a mentor, please listen to that pull on your heart and let us know!
(253) 627-4308

1 comment:

Frank Jackson said...

James, I want to mentor a youth. I know I can create time outside of my regular schedule to do it. I would love to do it soon so i can expose my mentoree to the great basketball games that are getting ready to start in the district and state tourney. Let me know if I'm elegible. God B w/U