On August 14th, 2010 ten teens and four adults embarked on an unforgettable trip to the Black
Feet Indian Reservation in Browning, Montana where their eyes were opened to another world. The trip was full of laughter, tears, laughter, sweat, laughter, adventure, and more laughter. Over the week the teens performed tasks which were fun, such as working power tools to build the mudroom for Pastor Joel and his family, to the "boring" task of picking up rocks which took a little more motivation. In the four days spent in Montana, the teens accomplished so much. They built a mudroom from the ground up, using the tools at hand to dig holes for posts with hammers. The processes of seeing a building constructed from start to finish was incredible to witness, especially with the knowledge that their hands made it possible. Painting the outside of a two car garage created a few paint wars full of smiles. At times the teens had more paint on themselves then the garage. The grueling task of picking up rocks and leveling out the grounds was not everyone's favorite job but with the right attitude and encouragement from one another, the task got complete.
I can not speak for the other nine teens, but for me this mission trip was without a doubt a life changing event and will not be my last mission trip. I learned so much about myself as a person that I can only grow from making me a stronger. I will never forget the joy and happiness on the faces of Pastor Joel and Richard, the mission trip director, on our last day in Browning. This week was without a doubt an unforgettable experience.
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