Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Teen Late Nite: City Scavenger Hunt!

Last Friday night an epic battle of the sexes transpired in which the boys competed against the girls in a city wide scavenger hunt. Each team was given a lengthy list of places, poses, and outrageous acts to compltete. After dancing with strangers, singing to strangers, doing a human pyramid, and getting a penny smashed by a train the boys team was defeated convincingly by the ladies team. For the teens it was an opportunity to have fun, get out of the shelters, and to see parts of the city they normally wouldn't.

This picture shows the boys with a homeless man who they gave a a bag of food to.

This picture shows the kids touching a fountain in the Stadium district of Tacoma.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mt. Rainier Snowshoeing

To go where no urban teen has gone before, into the depths of the Mt.
Rainier national forest. With only snowshoes strapped on, some warm clothes, and a water we took teens out of the city and into the snow! Despite being a little cold, wet, and nervous they had tons of fun and began to realize that anything is possible!