Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snowshoeing, frozen toes, & Icy roads

A multitude of TRM teens embarked on a snowshoe trip that proved too difficult last week when attempting to reach a cabin near Mt. Rainier.

The original plan was to drive up to the trailhead, snowshoe roughly 4 miles to the cabin, relax, spend the nite, and hike back to the trailhead the next day and return safely to Tacoma. This original plan quickly changed when the impassable icy road proved unsafe. So, we decided to play it safe. This tacked on an extra 3 miles of hiking before even getting to the trailhead! So after a chilly 3 miles, we did what any group would do, we took a vote. I'll be honest, up to this point the hiking was slow, people's toes were frozen, and pants soaked through. The duffle bags, sleds, and sleeping bags were a disheveled mess dragging behind many of the youth. The result of the vote was to eventually turn around and go back to the van. Back to warm up and head home to the safe refuge of Tacoma. Although the plans changed, the kids took it in stride and maintained a positive attitude throughout it all!

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