Friday, April 23, 2010

Memo to the disintegrated: Integrate


To: disintegrating people

From: disintegrating person


Date: April 23rd, 2010


Typically this weekly blog reflects the happenings of the Tacoma Rescue Mission youth program, but I wanted to change it up this week and address a goal we have with each youth we work with based on our own shortcomings as a staff.

The goal can be summed up in one word: integration. Integrating not only ourselves (mind, heart, & actions) but also our communities & especially our relationships is vital to our lives.

My need for integration is being revealed in reflecting through my recent trip to India, trying to catch up with everyone, and a great question from a good friend that was asked of me regarding integration. I am sad to say that I am fairly dis-integrated. If this were taken literally, I am not intact or solid, but instead deteriorating. This doesn't sound so good and I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not alone either. So, if I'm not alone how do we bring our relationships together so that we will see our church friends at our workplace, our neighbors in our homes, or our work friends outside of work???
I won't pretend to solve on a blog one of the biggest problems facing the middle class.

However, I will tell ya some things we're doing. It is both deeply internal and deeply external. Inside & outside. First, take care of your whole self: mind, spirit, and body. This means thinking critically, being connected to your emotions, and taking care of your body. Second, we are trying to connect kids to their community. Connecting them with other kids from their schools, their churches, and past schools. When kids are taken out of the shelter and into activities and adventures with other kids they already know integration begins to happen naturally!

Lastly, as we attempt to integrate at any level we can be left feeling pretty hopeless and incapable. In our pursuit of integration, I am feeling hopeful and capable in the ability of God through Jesus Christ to bring my circles of friends closer together and becoming more integrated with His help! Whether we realize it or not, when we forgive, when we serve, or when we love: those choices affect every person we know bringing unity and integration to our community!
~James Leet

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