Monday, March 29, 2010

Good Morning Star

Last week the Tacoma Rescue Mission was blessed with an energetic group from Morning Star Church in Salem Oregon. Morning Star’s youth program sends high school kids out on mission trips every year during their spring break. The high school freshman came to Tacoma to serve, deepen their faith, and try to understand what it means to live a life of service. Morning Star has done this the past three years with their freshman group and this year was a group of around forty that came to the City of Destiny. This group of forty couldn’t have been any more willing to serve. Their hearts we so kind, flexible, and Christ-like.
Among other service projects throughout Tacoma they participated in, the freshman, which also consisted of some junior leaders, helped the Tacoma Rescue Mission by serving lunch all week at both New Life Square and the Family Shelter, working in the Need-A-Break donation center, sharing a VBS with the after school programs at both Tyler Square and the Family Shelter, putting on a family night, and ending with a bar-b-que at Tyler Square and loving on all of the youth. One of the favorites was definitely the VBS worship songs with the guitar which none of us could get out of our heads. The youth were clapping their hands and singing along, begging to hear another song.
Thank you Morning Star for sharing your spring break with all of us involved in the youth program. You could have played video games all break or gone somewhere relaxing in the sun with friends. But you chose to raise $300 each over the past couple of months to pay your way to come and serve during your spring break. You slept on cots, showered sparingly at the local gym club, and even missed a couple of meals in all of your service. Thank you so much and may you be blessed from your experience. You truly blessed us all with your hearts of service!!!

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